Alan Watt - "We're in the Mouth of Madness Now, Eh?" 2.20.22

3 years ago

[Original Audio 13 December 2020] - We're in the Mouth of Madness Now - Official Narrative of the State; Echo Chambers - Events of 2020; Century of Transition - Stasi; Movie, The Lives of Others - By Force and Law, Ordered to Accept This as Real; Soviet System, Trials Not Needed if You're Diagnosed as Mentally Ill; Documentary about the Unabomber - George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman - National Socialism, Britain after WWII; Nationalizing Services - Edward Bernays, Overthrowing Governments, American Fruit Company - Run by Secret Governments Behind the Scenes - Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Depopulation - H.G. Wells, WWI and WWII didn't Kill Off Enough People - C.G. Darwin - China - Davos, WEF, The Great Reset - A Planned Farce - Riots - Covid, An Intelligent Virus - The Little People; Elimination of Protein - Transhumanist Klaus Schwab in His Space Jackets.


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