Day 97💜Third Eye Chakra Healing💜Lightworkers & Healers

2 years ago

💜 3rd Eye Chakra Healing Saturdays
💜Unblock Chakras
📖 Daily Chakra Journal

*Lightworkers & Healers
*Polarity or harmony with Sacral Chakra

💜 The 3rd Eye Chakra is located between the eyes above the forehead. It is our "6th sense", intuition and inner knowing.

😥 Psychological symptoms of an unbalanced 3rd Eye Chakra include emotional reactivity, distrust, overwhelm, and overthinking.

🤕 Physical symptoms of an unbalanced 3rd Eye Chakra involve the sinuses, headaches, vision, and sleep.

Is your 💜 Chakra balanced or blocked? 🤔

If you feel drawn:

💫 Schedule your FREE Chakra Assessment here:
*Use Coupon Code: Chakras

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💫Reiki levels 2 & 3 are also available

💫Sign up for our FREE monthly Collective Energy Clearing Zoom call here:

💫The FREE 7 Day Chakra Healing Challenge Playlist:

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