Episode 3/13: Hype // A Course on Abiogenesis by Dr. James Tour

2 years ago

In this episode, Dr. James Tour examines hyperbole surrounding origin of life claims. Beyond a mere attribution to the press for creating hype, Dr. Tour looks into the published works by researchers themselves, discovering a more proper attribution of the source. He then elaborates how this snowballs further by the press into confusion by professors and laypersons. Finally, some agreement on prebiotic relevance is revealed.

Video Index:
00:00 - Introduction
00:36 - Reasons & Intent of this Abiogenesis Series
02:24 - To be clear: Not just press. Researchers too.
04:32 - Example: This is common chemistry?
24:19 - Example: How close are we?
28:14 - Example: OOL reproduced in the lab?
32:55 - Example: This is self-replication?
34:44 - Example: Simple Extant Imaginations
38:07 - Example: Fair Representation?
39:19 - Example: Deck Stacking, No Resemblance, Misappropriation
45:42 - Prototurkey for Thanksgiving
47:15 - Agreement on Prebiotic Relevance Requirement
48:18 - Summary and What's Next

Links in this Series | Addressing Abiogenesis & Common Misconceptions
Series Trailer: https://youtu.be/N-RvMStTkx4
0 - Reasons for this Series: https://youtu.be/71dqAFUb-v0
1 - Introduction to Abiogenesis: https://youtu.be/NqoVxwdWWpg
2 - Primordial Soup: https://youtu.be/tNbl-g8QoAg
3 - Hype: https://youtu.be/Q6b76XQQN00
4 - Homochirality: https://youtu.be/tqbpd3CmBgE
5 - Carbohydrates: https://youtu.be/rdqd_EvpsZM
6 - Building Blocks of Building Blocks: https://youtu.be/CCf-OfFpS_k
7 - Peptides: https://youtu.be/0Hv6KjB0j8Y
8 - Nucleotides: https://youtu.be/CYiguQYCSio
9 - Intermediate Summary & a Call to Colleagues: https://youtu.be/ImPxfmKrmoY
10 - Lipids: https://youtu.be/QTQd5Ifqv2g
11 - Chiral-induced Spin Selectivity: https://youtu.be/VKEZSfuMgL0
12.1 - Cell Construction & The Assembly Problem, Part 1: https://youtu.be/IaJo5jWs_6k
12.2 - Cell Construction & The Assembly Problem, Part 2: https://youtu.be/fDayvhch_W4
13 - Summary & Projections: https://youtu.be/71GTCHkId6M

Erratum: At 3m24s, there is a typo: "reign" should be spelled "rein". This was caught after the video was published. Because YouTube doesn't allow correcting this once uploaded, and because this doesn't affect the substance of the information being presented, this video will remain as is.

Link to the cited video ("Elucidating the Agenda of James Tour: A Defense of Abiogenesis") can be found in the video description of Episode 0 - "Reasons for this Series" here: https://youtu.be/71dqAFUb-v0

The passionate thumbnail for this video uses a still frame image taken from Dr. Tour's video on Flash Graphene when he says "any" in the phrase "any carbon source" at 0:12: https://youtu.be/hhN5I_ocLSU

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God bless you.

#Abiogenesis #JamesTour #OriginOfLife

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