LEGACY - Last Stand at Fairy Creek

2 years ago

When you’re here, there’s nothing more important, more compelling, more vivid & alive, meaningful, hopeful, & true, than simply being here. One arrives a stranger. And within a few days one’s life is changed as one becomes ever more deeply part of the fabric that is the supporting community of Fairy Creek. And I say community, rather than blockade, because that is what this place has become, in the months of strife & struggle, in the ongoing fight to save these irreplaceable trees, this magical ecosystem. All manner of humanity seem to wind up here - people destined to sit in trees, people who call themselves land-defenders, people known as First Nations, old & young, rich and poor, straight & left of centre, everyone comes to see what they can do to try to save the last remaining ancient rainforest of British Columbia, Canada.

At the time of editing this video, the Rain Forest Flying squad had been organizing ongoing blockades to stop logging for one year. Over 500 people had been arrested - some portion of them violent and brutal arrests. They did not give up. Every night crews were organized to schlep cement, chain, food and supplies to the active blockade areas (Police had blocked easy road access), climbing mountains, scaling ravines, struggling with all their hope and might and strength to get what was needed to the people locked into the "dragons" in the roadbeds, sitting in the 20 foot tall tripods, resisting arrest peacefully but creatively. Those police had to WORK for their arrests. People lay in trenches with their arms locked into dragons for up to 20 hours or more. Supporters brought them food, water, warm clothes, blankets, mosquito netting. Everyone worked together to make those arrests difficult. And it worked. As of Jan 2022, the blockades have moved, but not ended. A winter presence is being maintained by some staunch First Nations and other activists...

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