Self Made Trader - Lesson 1 for Traders - Daytradetowin Mentorship Review

3 years ago

Ready to join our brand new Accelerated Mentorship? It's a condensed, self-paced, fully comprehensive training program that includes all of our trading methods (10+) with complete instruction plus live training. ✳️

Accelerated Mentorship is designed to fast track your progress to be a self-made trader at your own pace.

What's different? You can learn everything faster than ever before. There is no need to wait eight weeks to learn everything. Because Accelerated Mentorship is self-paced, you can go as fast or as slow as you want. The updated Mentorship video library teaches exactly what you need to understand for each method. As you progress, you'll learn how everything fits together to form one complete solution that you can use every day.

Why did we do this? These days, people are busier than ever. We have students from all over the world. Flexibility is important. Time is beyond value. To accommodate busy schedules and time zones, we've distilled the training into a set of online training videos. Email support is still included. Contact us at any time and we will answer your questions promptly. (In fact, you can email us now at if you have any questions.)

What about the live training? Yes, live training is also included! After you go through the full set of Mentorship training videos and work with the included trading software, you may attend the live training classes 2x a week. These group training sessions are open-ended. This means the instructor focuses on your questions and requests; what is brought forward by you and other students in the class.

We'll set you up with a Member account that has access to Accelerated Mentorship. There, you will find all of the downloads, instructions, and videos you'll need to accelerate your life.

Included With Accelerated Mentorship ☑️
Lifetime licenses and instruction for all methods
Trade Scalper course and software
Atlas Line® Course and software
Roadmap software
Blueprint course and software
The X-5 Trade (Floor Trader Secrets method)
At the Open 2 (ATO 2) course and software
NinjaTrader 8 Compatible
Price Action Scalping Course with software
ABC Pattern
How to Filter Trades
How to Trade the News
How to Set Up Your Charts
How Manipulation Works
January Effect+ ...and more!

***BONUS - If you're serious about learning what are the best price action software patterns why on Earth and you want to learn and not follow some random bot, feel free to get in touch using the link below and join the next all-inclusive class. Beginners Welcome.

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Daytradetowin is the leading provider of high-end trading software currently being used by thousands of traders across the world.

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#livetrading #beginner

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