Birds affected by EMF worldwide.

2 years ago

La Quinta Columna showed several videos showing an increase in electromagnetic waves around the world. 

These videos show thousands of birds killed by pulses from 5G antennas installed during the pandemic.

A few days ago I posted one of the videos on my telegram channel. @worldawakeningtruenews

In a new video, Dr. Jose Luis Sevigliano and biostatistics specialist Ricardo Delgado comment on this phenomenon:

Delgado: Remember, Jose Luis, we have always talked about some signs that warn when electromagnetic frequencies begin to increase and so on. And one of them is birds.
Disorientation and even the death of birds. Allegedly, they break from simultaneous intoxication (...) We are going to watch some videos with images of what is happening in different parts of the world regarding the strange and abnormal behavior of these birds. They're dead. They seem to be sparrows, right? Look at this! They lost their orientation and crashed all at once. 

Sevillano: It's like what happened the other day with the starlings, remember? And do not think that in the cities they will fall less and less. These are the places that... These are signs of something.
Don't think naturalists will say anything about it. You know what happened to the vultures that fell in the park. "We're looking for poison." No one is looking for anything. They shrug their shoulders and pretend to take some action. But they're not really looking for anything. Don't tell me that in the 21st century they don't know where it all comes from. Don't they already know? Isn't it? 
Has this not already been observed and described in the literature of ornithologists and naturalists? But they don't want to know. Because if you go against the people behind the antennas, those who rule the world, then it's your undoing. At least you will run out of funding and you will be "canceled".

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