Nuclear Volcano (Vulcanus)

2 years ago

Astrophysicists, in historical terms, believe that volcanic activity, caused in turn by the tidal action of other celestial bodies, can contribute to the emergence of life. In particular, volcanoes have contributed to the formation of the Earth's atmosphere and hydrosphere, releasing significant amounts of carbon dioxide and water vapor. So, for example, in 1963, as a result of the eruption of an underwater volcano off the south of Iceland, the island of Surtsey appeared, which is now a site for scientific research to observe the origin of life.

Scientists also note that too active volcanism, such as on Jupiter's moon Io, can make the planet's surface uninhabitable. at the same time, too little tectonic activity leads to the disappearance of carbon dioxide and the sterilization of the planet. "these two cases represent potential limits on the habitability of planets and exist alongside the traditional parameters of life zones for systems of low-mass main-sequence stars»

In general, volcanoes are divided into linear and central, but this division is conditional, since most volcanoes are confined to linear tectonic disturbances (faults) in the earth's crust.

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