Turdeau has turned Canada into a fascist state

2 years ago

2 clips of aggressive behaviour by Turdeau's fascist enforcers in Ottawa, guarding the "red" zone where media & civilians are forbidden to enter whilst the filth 'mop up' the 'terrorist' truckers.

2 clips of an Ottawa bureauTwat taking a leaf out of the US propaganda book (January 6th) and labelling all dissent a terrorist insurrection.

Turdeau explaining that he can rescind the rights of a minority in favour of the "majority", regardless of the Canadian Charter, by way of a "loophole".

& then a couple of clips showing how Klaus Schwab (World Economic Forum) has groomed Turdeau to be his mascot for the Brave New World the ruling elitists have been using the scamdemic to implement,,,,,, now that they've bankrupted the global economy & are ready to enforce their New World Order to bring about 1000 years of tyranny...

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