Billy Falcon’s ‘Sleeping Giant’

2 years ago

A fantasy rendition for piano solo by Randolph Scherp.

They’re trying to separate us
They hate God that’s why they hate us
They’re scared we’re gonna take back what they stole
We’re standing in the way
Of their godless perfect day
Where your whole life is under their control
Smell the blood of freedom
If we don’t stop the bleedin
They’ll grind our bones to make their bread
Thy Kingdom Come!
Hear the war drum beatin
I’m there to shake the sleepin giant from his bed
Wake up! sleepin giant!

This is not a false alarm
A battle cry, a call to arms
The young and old, the weak and strong
Where two or more of us are gathered
Fearless we will not scatter
Buckle up, we are the storm
FeeFieFo Fum
Smell the blood of freedom
Happened while we were sleepin
Live free or die with no regret
Thy Kingdom Come!
Hear the war drum beatin
I’m there to shake the sleepin giant from his bed

What’s it gonna take to wake the sleeping giant
What’s it gonna take to wake the sleeping giant

Smell the blood of freedom
If we don’t stop the bleedin
They’ll grind our bones to make their bread
Thy Kingdom Come!
Hear the war drum beatin
I’m there to shake the sleepin giant from his bed
Wake up! sleepin giant!

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