Corgi Pups Are Adorable | Aww Cute Dogs

2 years ago


1. Dogs Make Us Laugh
Whether it’s the pooch in our own backyard, the hilarious image we see on social media, or a funny video, dogs make us smile, chuckle and LOL! All dogs are natural comedians.

2. They Comfort Us When We Are Blue
Therapy dogs are used to soothe soldiers and civilians with PTSD. They visit long term care homes and psychiatric facilities spreading joy everywhere they go. When we feel down our own dogs cuddle up to make us feel better. You can’t deny the magical healing and soothing abilities of dogs all over the world. Dogs have been human’s best friends for thousands of years. They are there for us through thick and thin. They never judge and are always happy to see us return, whether we’ve been gone five hours or five minutes.

3. Dogs Listen To Our Problems
You can tell your pup about your difficult day at work, or a date gone wrong. We know we can tell our dogs anything and they’ll never spill the beans.

4. They Teach Us To Be More Human
Dogs are kind, loving, and compassionate – they forgive everything and never hold a grudge. No matter what a dog is doing, they are always present in the moment. If you watch your dog throughout the day you’ll find that your dog is a better person than most humans. There are some that would say a dog is only loyal so long as it is getting food and shelter. But if you have ever known a dog and seen the reaction it has when you come home or it is reunited with a fellow four legged friend you know it is about more than that. There are plenty of examples of dogs showing loyalty to their owners. Some of the most famous are the dog pictured lying next to the casket of his Navy Seal owner, or the dog that would greet his owner at the train station every day after he arrived home from work. Even after the owner died, this dog, Hachiko, went to the station every day for the next nine years waiting for the arrival of his best friend.

5. Dogs Keep Us Happy and Healthy
The relationship you have with your dog is good for your heart and your soul. Positive feelings, increased activity, affection and security are the building blocks of a happy and healthy life. Coming home to a dog helps reduce stress and walking a dog can help keep you healthy. Dogs don’t hold grudges. They don’t hang on to what someone said years ago. When one of them plays too rough, the other dog lets them know immediately by letting out a yelp. The two dogs make up and instantly start playing again.

6. They Love Us More Than They Love Themselves
In the 1800’s Henry Wheeler Shaw wrote “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself,” and the saying holds true to this day. Your dog would happily risk his or her life to protect the humans they love, and we love them right back. A healthy dog will live a long and happy life, and that’s all any of us wants for our furry family members. A dog is the only thing on this earth that loves you more than he loves himself. The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too. Your dog never lies to you when he says he loves you. The more you give of yourself, the better the connection developed between the two of you. There is nothing better than coming home from a very hard day at work or maybe school or college and find your dog there waiting for you to support you.



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