Muh Whataboutism

2 years ago

Whataboutism is a form of tu quoque where someone asks "What about when you did X" to deflect from subject Y... or is it? Sadly, many people seem to believe that saying "whataboutism" is a magic word to excuse their hypocritical double standards, and thus the term has evolved into an accusation that people use to get away with being called out on their special pleading. So this is a short video that will hopefully shed some light on the true nature of the "tu quoque", and why simply pointing out a fallacy alone doesn't always make for a solid argument.

Feel free to link this video as a response to people abusing the concept of whataboutism in this manner.

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Odysee Backup:

Background music used:
"Atmospheric Sci-Fi Synthwave - Distant Planet"

"Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio"

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