Devotionals On Video - Little Big Things

3 years ago

Devotionals On Video - Little Big Things

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From gnats to elephants – all creation praises God by being true to itself. When creation praises God, so can we!!
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Video Text:
I have some small, feathered creatures that scratch the ground, eat bugs and lay eggs right inside my chicken shed! They sure look and act a lot like chickens!

Now to guard these birds, our big watch dog performs her job by laying out in the
yard so she can scan the chickens, the driveway and 3 sides of our house at the
same time. She’s truly an outdoor sentry, built with a booming woof-woof alarm.
We also have an indoor dog who jumps into laps and melts into arms like a
professional snuggler. Her main job is to be cute and to say, “pet me!” If I rated
my animals by their nearly flawless job performance, I’d give them all tens because they do exactly what they are supposed to do! And this is the point for today.

In Psalm 148 we see that all creation praises the Lord. Stars and
the heavens, lightning and hail, beasts and all cattle, creeping
things and flying fowl…. From gnats to elephants – all creation
praises God by doing exactly what they were created to do!!

When my dogs live and act like they were created to act – that’s
when they are the happiest! When my chickens scratch the
ground and lay eggs – guess what – that’s when they are happiest

What about us? If we can figure out why were we created and what’s our purpose – and live that way – it makes perfect sense that at those times – we will truly be the happiest!
So if all of creation praises God, I have to believe that our purpose must also be to praise God.

And we do this the very best when we spend time with God to be blessed by God, and carry that time forward into our day, so we can be God’s blessing to others!

It’s just that simple. Sit down in a quiet spot and pull out God’s book. Perhaps read a chapter or two from Luke or James (my favorites) and then have a chat with the one who made you! By doing this, we can’t help but grow – to become the very best version of ourselves. We become true to ourselves and ultimately true to our purpose of praising God!

Try it – you’ll like it. God loves it whenever you stop by to say hello!

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Little Big Things is a daily devotional ministry that creates uplifting videos to encourage Christian believers of all ages, races, and denominations to focus on the little things in life that make a big impact over time. We want you to live inspired with faith on fire!

We cover a range of topics including: faith, family, marriage, personal growth, choices, humility, anger, depression, sadness, pain, fear, joy, forgiveness, faithfulness, the power of God's Word, truth vs lies, and many more!

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