Timeline of The New Federal State of China About the CCP Virus And covid Vaccine

2 years ago

The NFSC has always been committed to the truth and saving lives by exposing the CCP's evil nature and the fact that they created the CCP virus which had killed millions of people around the world. Also, the NFSC has been spreading the COVID therapeutics and related medications to the world, as well as the real information and data about the COVID vaccine. Many early warnings and alerts of the NFSC have saved countless lives and we will keep working to do so.

All the facts prove that what the CCP did has nothing to do with the Chinese people, the CCP cannot represent the Chinese people, who are also the victims.

关于 #新中国联邦 爆料 #中共病毒 和 #中共病毒疫苗 灾难预警的时间线

#新中国联邦 一直致力于揭露中共的邪恶本质,揭露他们制造的 #中共病毒 已经在全世界造成数百万人死亡的事实,从而揭示真相,拯救生命。同时,#新中国联邦 一直在向全世界传播 #CCPVirus 的治疗方法和相关药物,以及 #COVID 疫苗的真实信息和数据。#新中国联邦 #郭文贵 先生的许多早期警告和警报已经拯救了无数人的生命,并将为此继续努力。所有的事实证明,中共的所作所为与中国人民无关,中共不能代表中国人民,中国人民也是受害者。

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