FHR #001 - From Negative Net Worth to Financial Freedom in 2.5 Years with Host Bryce Robertson

2 years ago


Who he is and how his background and journey have brought him to this point.

How he discovered the balance between working and living.

What is the Freedom Lifestyle and how can you achieve it.

An insight into Freedom Hack Radio and what’s going to be covered in the coming episodes.


Bryce grew up in Brisbane, Australia, had a fun childhood, was great at school, then realized at age 16 he wasn’t motivated or inspired by school anymore.

At this point he had three options for his future;
1) Continue with school and then university and graduate to be a professional
2) Go and get a blue-collar job and make as much money as he can with his hands
3) Same as above but owning a business rather than working for someone else

He chose the second option, left school at 16, and chose to work where he could make the most money in welding and steel fabrication.

Bryce worked really hard through his apprenticeship and went on to spend 2 years in the Australian underground gold mines where he saved up money to travel the world.

Having his first international base camp in the UK, Bryce worked and traveled in the UK, Europe, and Africa for 3 years.

Bryce then moved to Canada and lived in a ski village for 2 years enjoying abundant outdoor adventures, while working in local coal mines and as a firefighter.

Bryce saved enough cash to venture on an 18 month, surfing and scuba diving adventure in Central and South America. In the last 6 months of that trip he met his future wife on a scuba diving island, off the coast of Honduras.

Bryce and his wife moved to the US but he struggled to make a living that he enjoyed because he only knew the blue-collar lifestyle in welding and construction.

One day he came home and said ‘I can’t do it anymore and with the support of his wife she helped him realize he could choose any career path he desired.

They explored different strategies like; business ownership, real estate, MLM’s, stock market, but they ended up spinning plates and having mediocre success.

Bryce realized that for the true success he needed to laser focus on one thing.

They spent $30,000 on a real estate investment course and supposed “hot-shot” mentor. Bryce found a mobile home park that he wanted to put under contract but his mentor was un-supportive and said to him ‘your dreaming kiddo, you’ll never get that deal done!’.

Fueled to prove he could get this deal done, Bryce reached out to other investors who guided him how to put the deal together and make it work, and this was the start of his life-changing mobile home park investing career.

2.5 years later Bryce and his wife became financially free.

A true Freedom Lifestyle can be found by finding harmony in 5 main areas - financial, health, relationships, spirituality and having fun doing what we love most. Growing in and finding the balance between these aspects is the key to a truly free and fulfilling life.

FREEDOM HACK RADIO WEBSITE: https://www.freedomhackradio.com/


T Harv Eker’s NYT #1 bestseller – Secrets of the Millionaire mind: https://www.amazon.com/Secrets-Millio...

Millionaire Mind Intensive/Experience (FREE 3 Day Live Course) based off T Harv Eker’s NYT #1 bestseller – Secrets of the Millionaire mind: https://www.millionairemindevents.com...

T Harv Eker’s website: https://www.harveker.com/

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