DISCIPLINE – Faith and Focus to Win In Life! – Daily Devotional – Little Big Things

3 years ago

Discipline, done wrong, can be negative and hurtful, but done right, discipline can bring freedom, joy, fulfillment and abundance!
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Video Text:
Discipline! Discipline is something that people love to hate, yet sometimes truly love. Discipline, done wrong, can be negative and hurtful, but done right, discipline can bring freedom, joy, fulfillment and abundance!

Let’s see an example of how discipline is often misunderstood, by looking at a story about a first grader who struggled with math. This boy refused to count and absolutely hated to add so his parents tried a fun online math program, then brought him to a special math school and finally hired a brilliant tutor – but all to no avail. Finally, the parents sent him to a Christian school and after the very first day, the boy ran to his bedroom and finished his math all by himself, and got an A in math at the end of the year. His mom was overjoyed and asked her son, “what caused you to do your math everyday?” When her little boy said nothing, she asked, “Was it the dress code at school?” No. “Was it the discipline of the school?” No. “Well then, what was it?” She simply had to know. Finally the boy said, “Well Mom, on the very first day of school I noticed a statue of a guy who was nailed to a plus sign – so I knew they meant business.”

On a more serious note, discipline done right is fantastic and life changing! That’s because discipline comes from the word disciple and being a disciple of something or someone means that you believe in, study from and try to imitate them. For example, Jesus’ disciples were people who followed him only because they wanted to. Yes – they had a deep desire to follow the words he spoke, his way of life and what he believed. Their desire was so deep that they were fully committed to every aspect of it.

Discipline, done right, is something we all want for ourselves simply because it leads us to enjoy the rewards and benefits of it. Some of these paybacks are immediate and some even last your lifetime. I personally enjoy the discipline of making my bed first thing every morning – no matter what. Before I go to the bathroom, before I shower or brush my teeth – I make my bed because it gives me the satisfaction of a job done right – first thing, right away, each and every day. Even if everything goes wrong for me in any given day, I still get to crawl into a clean, organized and comfortable bed to end each day on a positive note. You see how I am a disciple of the idea, so the discipline of making my bed follows naturally...

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