It's Time!

3 years ago

This week on Sovereign Wealth Insights I had a last minute very strong urge to share a different message for the Sovereign Wealth Insights than I had planned.

We did still cover the practical question about what to do with cash – in particular should you pull money out of the bank now?

As I have repeatedly shared, every day I get more excited. I try to be concerned. It’s not that the circumstances are better or that there is a glaring neon light pointing in the direction we’re to go.

It’s the exact opposite.

Everyday as the world around us get more chaotic and seemingly more like the ‘bad guys’ are winning and we’re about to enter global tyranny and totalitarianism.

In Canada, where I live, we are the second wealthiest nation on the planet in terms of our resources. We have enough fresh water to supply all 8 billion people. Yet we are the highest taxed industrialized nation and are running into water restrictions and increased costs for our resources.

What’s to be excited about this when the current puppet who’s been appointed by the globalists to lead this nation into their agenda, and the people into poverty and control?
It’s simple – there is a lot more going on than what we think we see.

I shared some very controversial topics on the recording - religion, politics, finance, history, education, ...

Because this was a last-minute decision, it was spoken from my heart and memory. I did put a page of links together that can be accessed on the recording page when you enter your email at

I have also been asked by several people to share more on the various puzzle pieces that give me such great hope so you can look for that next week.

In the meantime, here's a great start to a fresh look at some very old and often taboo subjects!

Thank you all for being so supportive – one of the hardest things for me recently has been the resistance I’ve noticed some people have to wanting to hear a positive message.

Many of us have experienced the resistance of family and friends when we have shared new information on the worldwide situation, this is similar but different.

It seems to me that once fear or anxiety sets in, a survival-type mindset kicks into gear and the fear cycle will tend to view hope as potentially dangerous if they ‘let their guard down’.

The exact opposite is true.

Faith, hope, love and joy carry more ‘weight’ in the invisible realm. If you walk into a room where people are laughing, it’s hard to stay mad. This is important because when you focus on good, you get good. If you focus on negative, you attract more negative.

I shared a lot of new topics and ideas during the meeting that I hope will ignite more hope and that together we can multiply the positive energy, positive news, and see positive results sooner than later!!

With much love and abundance always and all ways ~ Sam

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