2 years ago

Worldwide countries have reported people are infected with the Coronavirus and transmit it to other people. That Omicron does not appear to hospitalize people. Transmission is greater but milder than Delta.

Risk of mortality as to COVID 19 is similar to the risks of elderly people, those who are most vulnerable with serious underlying health problems. Stats – data have been questionable “Did people die of COVID19 or With COVID19”. There is a clear difference

MOH report “Protect Whanau” more like target Whanau. You must turn your Bluetooth on in your phone, you must be tracked and traced, we want to know where you are, what you are doing, stalk you and target you. (Bullseye) Use your QR Code. Your Vax Cert/Pass.

In 2019 New Zealand Government signed an Digital ID Agreement to use New Zealanders as guineapigs Surveillance is critically impacting on our lives to hastily increase the control of people, their whereabouts, whom they meet, what groups they belong to and even what their diet is.
People identity, movements, lives and the way they communicate, and with whom they communicate is under huge scrutiny. Add the extensive use of psycho babble that blasts out from the domestic/ global media (Propaganda Machine)

The World Health Organization Manual on Surveillance of Adverse Events globally have determined that 7.4 billion people are COVID19 jabbed, ignoring serious adverse events and deaths post COVID19 jab.

Dr. Matt Sheldon Sheldon (NZ) is now one of more than 32 doctors, over 100 nurses and 187 plus allied health professionals who have signed a letter displaying serious concern about the COVID Jabs and the Govts severe restrictions on NZrs health and wellbeing. Published on the NZDOS Website April 2021.

Investigations by the Medical Council can be lengthy to conclude, and risk charges being laid against doctors, and even stops them from having the right to practice.

Some doctors although have had their names blacked out, fear of retribution, character assassination, stricken from their medical practice still support the petition letter

De-populations through unsafe jabs, human experiments, massive increase in suicides, homicides, addictions, abortions, assisted suicides laws made by UN Nation States. A Mental Health, Medical global catastrophe

De-populations through unsafe jabs, human experiments, massive increase in suicides, homicides, addictions, abortions, assisted suicides laws made by UN Nation States. A Mental Health, Medical global catastrophe.

Who do we have, we have the people. The sooner the people wake up to this the more chance we have to survive. There is no geographical cure.

In NZ we must have the majority of the population wake up to this. Geographically you cannot escape to the country to another country its global.

Mass surveilance Ministry Of Health state that surveillance is critical. AI ID Digital Surveillance is hastily increasing impacting on our lives. Global surveillance tactics to control people, to stocktake sheeple people.

Through Big Pharma patents confidentiality remains, the public do not know the full ingredients in the jabs. There are inaccuracies in the RAT and PCR tests. They are unreliable. We like other populations worldwide are Human Guineapigs.

We must stand up to this in the name of God, for Humanities sake. For our children, our loved ones, for our neighbours, friends, people we know and don’t know personally.

There is no Geographical cure.
We are it. It is up to us. We are the ones. God Save NZ

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