Billie Beene E291 21822 Chicoms-Can! Ukraine! Feb Looks Great!

2 years ago

Billie is reporting on the following:

MISSPEAK: Correct year - not 2021 but 2020 -- Attempted Invasions of the US by the Chinese at the border and from underground - US/Canada - Dec 11 2020 Can border w the US - state of NY --2nd - about Dec 20 2020 Can border w/ US state Dakota's

1. Billie is reporting on the 40 out of the 49 Starlink Satellites that were recently destroyed by the Cabal.
2. Just a few weeks ago the government of Kazakhstan told the people who were protesting the mandates that they were going to shut them off from their money. The people of Kazakhstan went into revolt and they went into the banks and they arrested all the people who where working in the banks. They took all the money out of the banks and the safety deposit boxes and they burned the banks. They took the people they arrested from the banks to a stadium and then they went out and started doing citizen arrest of anyone working in the government and the medical field and the main stream media and they took them to the stadium. It is unknown as to what has happened to all those people the citizens of Kazakhstan have done to those that they have arrested at this point. It is assumed that there may have been some kind of trials going on.
3. In Ottawa, this is where the truckers are in Canada, the government is stock piling supplies. It appears the government of Canada is going to stage some kind of battle in Ottawa against its own truckers and Canadian citizens. Since the Canadian military will not align itself with the government of Canada, could it be that they are going to use some of the Chinese Special Forces that is already in Canada against their own citizens?
4. Hal Turner is reporting that on FOX main stream media that is owned by the Cabal is putting out propaganda lies to the people about Ukraine about the potential Russian attack on the U.S. Russia is not coming against any nations. Russia is one of the 209 of the 214 nations who have and are signing on to the NESARA/GESARA treaties which means you are not at war; you are at peace.
5. On Feb. 17th, FEMA told its employees that go to the grocery stores on their way home and buy supplies.
6. In the past 2 years, Ukraine has had a breakaway part of its nation which is Donbas and it roughly makes up half of Ukraine. For the most part, Donbas is made up of Russians and they was wanting to return to Russia. The part of Ukraine that is not a part of Donbas is now attacking those who are in the Donbas region. This is not the Russians attacking people in Ukraine; it is the Ukrainians attacking the people in the Donbas region who want to go back to Russia.
7. According to Dr. Michael Salla on the 40 out of the 49 Starlink satellites that recently were destroyed, he learned from Elena Danaan who has insider contact in Ireland about the technology that was used to shoot down 40 of these satellites. Billie shares more details on what went on.

Billie is reporting on much more and you do not want to miss the remainder of her report...

God, Bible, Patriot Subscribers + Gene Decode, Cirstenw, Hal Turner, BP Earthwatch, Sun Tsu-Art of War, Clif Hih, Dave Hodes

yt Dr Michael Salla
yt Niht Shadows - Best and Taylor
yt Crossroads
yt - Paul Beley- Stan Deyo
bitchute ShariRaye

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Billie Beene
POB 476
Sweeny, TX 77480


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MY NOTE: If you have any comments you want to make on any of Billie Beene's reports, please click on the video title and it will take you to the source video and you will be able to give her your feedback or, you can email Billie. Here email address is noted above or you can mail her your comments. Again, her mailing address is provided above.


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