Grandmother Ayahuasca Ceremony - Blue Lotus Vine Journey (Edmonton AB)

2 years ago

Hello everyone,
I prepare this video with my heart intention to bring more clarity and answer all the questions that I have been receiving about the sacred medicine Ayahuasca.
- Is the Ayahuasca the right medicine for me?

- How the medicine works in our body?

- Is the medicine capable to heal deep traumas?

- can the medicine deprogram myself from the Matrix?

- what about chemicals addictions. Can I experience Ayahuasca having addictions?

- what is the purging process?

- Can the medicine heal my physical, mental, emotional and energetic body?

- what is the purpose of the micro dosing?

Please contact me for more information:
Email: organicpharmacy11@ gmail. com
Msg: Facebook page
Natural Lifestyle Organic Pharmacy

Love and light,

Jaguar Heart Woman

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