Biblical Love & The Supernatural Us / WWY-Noe hosts the LFMSR show

2 years ago

Watch WWY-Noe host the Liberation Freedom Ministry of Significant Revelation radio show. They dared to have me on again. Seeing how this may be the last time I would be on I wanted to teach on a few topics that listeners could chew on and ponder for awhile.

Now of course, the book of the Songs of Solomon / Song of Songs, has much to say about passionate love since it's filled with passionate young love. However, most of you that have been married know that that puppy love stage only lasts so long and then after that your significant other better have something else to bring to the table - some type of maturity in character to tackle whatever the world has to throw at you - that deeper less superficial love of commitment. We all know those people that are in love with being in love which can be disastrous at times because you need more than in this world.

Biblical love is about 1) obedience, 2) sacrifice, and 3) emotions - which are all components of healthy 4) relationships. WWY-Noe expounds on these concepts.

But wait there's more . . . as Noe also talks about the Supernatural us. You won't hear this in your average worship service but the Bible does talk about it if you can see it. Do you want to know what is supernatural about you? The inner-man of the heart? The Inner-World what?

Want to know more? Then click and watch . . .

Maybe your miracle could be next!
Deliverance minister & Biblical Advocate

Real People, Real Problems,
Biblical solutions . . . even Supernatural solutions
Does 'life' seem to be against YOU?

A BIG Thank You to these ministries as well . . .

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