Pinhead-sized CHIP in EVERYTHING - Walmart

2 years ago

People were not warming up to the implantable microchip so the next best method was to scare everyone into accepting it, via vaccination! Whip up a scary "virus" (that has never been found to date) and tell everyone that the vaccine is the solution. Classic Hegelian Dialectic. Problem - Reaction - Solution. The government create a "problem", although the people didn't know that the problem was created by the ("deep state" aka "NWO") government...then people "react" to it [with fear] and then they demand a "solution", then the government provides their "solution".

There is a lot of fear porn on Bitchute, many "truth" channels pushing vaccine deaths. I'm not saying that it doesn't happen, but all of the people who I know who were stupid enough to listen to the fear porn and then go get vaccinated, they are all still alive, even super unhealthy people because of what they are eating and drinking. They are still alive. I believe that this vaccine agenda is also a form of tracking people but it's in the early stages so far, kind of test development, since each vaccine seems to be a little different from each other. Perhaps they will all work together? Like each is a piece that will combine and then interface with Telecom. Far fetched for those who are still asleep or just now waking up but it is entirely possible, the facts are out there. I point to DARPA as one example. If you don't know who they are, best familiarize yourself, for you, not for me, for you and your family.

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