Mars Magic and the Sword of the Secret Fire

2 years ago

This is part of a series about how wishing upon a star really can make your dreams come true.

Of course, that’s a simplistic and poetic way of illustrating the effects of engaging with your own hero’s or heroine's alchemical journey to full enlightenment, with the help of the gods and goddesses who govern the seven planets. We have already discussed, in previous videos, how as human beings we are constantly shadow boxing with those planetary forces, even when we are asleep.

So following on from the videos on the Sun and the Moon, this one is about the planetary force of Mars and about how that shadow boxing relationship can help us to find our courage, heal our inner shadows and speed our spiritual evolution.

You probably know that the shamans of old drew stories in the stars of the night skies, to leave us messages about the qualities and characteristics of each of these gods.These stories have come down to us as myths, which all follow the same blueprint of the mythological hero who journeys around the rim of the wheel of the constellations of the zodiac, and who gets help from the planetary governors - otherwise known as gods and goddesses - along the way.

But these stories were not composed just to benefit those who lived in the past... because in essence, no matter how much technological progress we make, the human condition and what the heart needs to grow never changes.

And so today, these myths are still being recycled for our benefit in the movie theatres and on Netflix, Disney and Amazon Prime.All the best Rom-Coms, the ones that smash box office records anyway, are actually based on the part of the hero’s journey which is the great love story between Venus and Mars.

Anyway, here I break down those hidden meanings as they are found in The Notebook, whose hero is Noah, and who starts off his journey as a young, undeveloped Mars in relentless pursuit of a seemingly unattainable and unviable relationship, in the long term anyway, with the beautiful Ali.

I also throw in a few tales from other much older heroes, to show you how the more things change, the more they stay the same.I'm hoping then that you'll be able use The Notebook as a Rosetta Stone to help you recognise the traits of Mars and also how to interact with him at the various stages of your journey around the rim of the wheel.


ARTWORK: Planet by 56026 by Mike Lacoste from Pixabay

MUSIC: space-distant-moons by LCM Music from Pixabay
We Confidently Go To VIctory by Alex Make Music from Pixabay

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