GOD CHANGED ME - I Want to Share With the World - Daily Devotional - Little Big Things

2 years ago

Instead of screaming the Scriptures at people, I can allow my life to show others that God changed me. I want to share with the world how GREAT God is!
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Scripture References:

Video Text:
God changed me. Yes, God changed me, and I want the world to know it! I want everyone to experience the change I have experienced, but how can I share it with others? How can I truly express the gratefulness and relief I feel because of how God changed me?

No one in the world likes finger-in-your-face lectures about morality. Nobody likes hell-fire and damnation yelling, and people simply don’t want to be bludgeoned by a Bible. None of these “techniques” have any lasting affect – and the fear of hell is a wrong motive to somehow be convinced to choose heaven.

On the other hand, people everywhere like to see our smiles and feel our friendliness. They essentially want to taste, see and hear what God did for us. Yes, people want to see the change that we’ve experienced through God. Non-believers everywhere are silently screaming, “Show me the evidence!” or even… “Show me the money!” In fact, 3000 years ago, the author of Psalm 66 may have been the first person in recorded history to sing words similar to, “let me show you the money” when he said, “Let me declare what God has done for my soul” (Ps 66:16)!

Likewise, when the Samaritan woman who met Jesus at the well ran back to her town, she proclaimed, “Come and see a man… who could possibly be the Messiah” (Jn 4:29)!

Yes – She said, “Come and see!” No doubt the townspeople knew all about this woman and her bad reputation. I’ll bet when she came running into town to encourage people to see Jesus, they went out to see Jesus because they could see the change Jesus made in her!

Come and see! Take a look! Look what God did for me! Can you feel it? Let me show you the money! Jesus is real – and the proof is in me! What a witness we can be to others!

Let’s pray. “Dear Jesus, please fill me with your Holy Spirit today! I want to be am amazed at how joyful and patient and lovely I can be with your help! Likewise, I want to amaze others so they can see your love and joy in me. Please help me to sing, ‘Look what God did for me!’”

If this video touched your heart, please share it with someone you know who might be encouraged by it as well. Let’s help each other express the change God has done in us by sharing our lives, our smiles and kind words. Please visit 10DaysWithGod.com if you would like to experience other encouraging videos.

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We cover a range of topics including: faith, family, marriage, personal growth, choices, humility, anger, depression, sadness, pain, fear, joy, forgiveness, faithfulness, the power of God's Word, truth vs lies, and many more!

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