Episode 11b: The 2 Apocalypses of Father and Son

2 years ago

Christians have been awaiting the Apocalypse of the Son's 2nd Coming ever since the Son ascended into Heaven in Acts 1. But are Christians aware of the fact that the Father has His Own 2nd Coming too? Where modern Eschatology has stumbled is in believing the Prophecy of Gog/Magog of Eze38-39 is to surround the Son's 2nd Coming but in fact is a prophecy of the Father's 2nd Coming. Many Christians argue that Eze38-39 is to be fulfilled twice in order to remain consistent with John's Revelation predicting Gog/Magog is to come at the End of the Millennial Kingdom. But there is an enormous flaw in this thinking. How can Eze38-39 be fulfilled twice if Gog, the leader of this Invasion, is to die and be buried as a result of the failed Invasion? Surely Gog cannot die twice and be buried twice, can he? No, there is only 1 fulfillment of Eze38-39 and John informs us when it is to take place. An interesting way to argue this from another angle is to prove Daniel's 70th Week can only be fulfilled after the Millennial Kingdom is over and not before. Please watch this video for a complete analysis of this matter.

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