Royal Bengal tiger history

2 years ago

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Royal Bengal tiger history

Wild Animal

The tiger is the largest species among the Felidae and classified in the genus Panthera. It is most recognisable for its dark vertical stripes on orangish-brown fur with a lighter underside. It is an apex predator, primarily preying on ungulates such as deer and wild boar.

Scientific name: Panthera tigris

Lifespan: 10 – 15 years (In the wild)

Speed: 49 – 65 km/h (Adult, In Short Bursts)

Height: 70 – 120 cm (Adult, At Shoulder)

Mass: Male: 90 – 310 kg (Adult), Female: 65 – 170 kg (Adult)

Diet: Carnivore

Black and white and orange all over: The beautiful, striped coat and that powerful, mesmerizing gaze make the tiger one of the world’s most revered animals.

It’s a reverence that’s mixed with a bit of fear, an appropriate reaction to a large, well-muscled, swift hunter with inch-long claws and 3-inch-long (7 centimeter) canine teeth.

The tiger is a stalk-and-ambush hunter, and the distinctive stripes are good camouflage in the long grass or wooded forests of their diverse habitat. Dark stripes on a pale background break up the tiger’s outline as it lies in wait for prey to come near.

Tigers can also be black with tan stripes, all white (albino), or white and tan. The “white tigers” found in some zoos are not albino but rather the white-and-tan color variation with blue eyes (true albinos have pink eyes).

Biology Of Tiger


There are currently six subspecies of tigers, each living in different habitats: flooded mangrove forests, arid forests, tropical forests, and taiga.

The different subspecies are found in small areas of Asia, India, and Russia. The largest subspecies lives in snowy areas of Russia.

The smallest and darkest subspecies is found farther south, in the jungles of Indonesia. Female tigers are always smaller than males.

Amur or Siberian tiger Panthera tigris altaica: The largest of the tiger subspecies, males can be as long as a station wagon! These tigers also have the palest orange coat and the fewest stripes, to help it blend in with its snow-covered habitat.

As it lives in a very cold climate, the Siberian tiger’s coat grows longer and thicker than other tiger subspecies, and it develops a layer of fat for insulation. There are about 450 Siberian tigers left in their home range of eastern Russia and northeastern China.

Bengal or Indian tiger Panthera tigris tigris: This is the most common subspecies of tiger and is almost as large as the Siberian tiger. About 3,400 Bengal tigers remain in their native habitat of India, Nepal, and Pakistan.

Malayan tiger Panthera tigris jacksoni: This is the subspecies you’ll see at the San Diego Zoo. In the wild, fewer than 200 Malayan tigers remain, found on the Malay Peninsula. Of those, only 80 to 120 are breeding adults.

Sumatran tiger Panthera tigris sumatrae: Even though the Sumatran is the smallest tiger subspecies, it ’s still a pretty big cat.

Imagine a tiger the same length as a school cafeteria table! Its orange coat is darker than other subspecies, as it is native to dark jungle habitat on the island of Sumatra; the sides of the face have longer fur, perhaps as

protection against jungle plants. The Safari Park has a small group of Sumatran tigers, but in the wild there are about 370 remaining.

South China tiger Panthera tigris amoyensis: These tigers are slightly smaller than the Indochinese subspecies. In the 1950s, the Chinese government ordered that these tigers be destroyed because they were viewed as pests.

Today, it is believed that the South China tiger is most likely extinct in the wild.


Going it alone: Tigers are generally solitary cats, unless a female is caring for her cubs, and maintain a home range that can be several square miles,

depending on habitat and the amount of prey available; males tend to have larger territories than the females. The Siberian tiger has the largest range (more than 4,000 square miles or 10,000 square kilometers have been recorded) as food is scarcer, so the tiger has to travel farther to secure a meal.

Some tigers defend their territory from other tigers while others often share their range.

A female tiger in estrus leaves urine “messages” on trees and other places to let males know of her reproductive status.

Through loud moaning calls, a male and female can find each other for breeding and may stay together for a few days before going their separate ways.

Tiger cubs are born small and helpless, but the mother must leave them alone while she hunts. A female can have a litter of up to seven cubs every two years.

In the wild, the mother could not kill enough prey to feed so many hungry cubs, so usually only two survive. At eight weeks old, cubs join their mother when hunting, and at six months they are ready to learn how to kill cattle, deer, and pigs.


Mesmerizing and gorgeous, but also endangered, our tigers are always a pleasure to watch. Over the years, we have had over 100 Bengal, Siberian, Sumatran, and Malayan tigers born at our two facilities.

The San Diego Zoo is currently home to three male Malayan tigers. The San Diego Zoo Safari Park is home to male Sumatran tigers Denver and Rakan; and females Diana, Majel, Joanne, Cathy, and Debbie.

Our most famous tiger was Blanca, the white Bengal tiger who came to the San Diego Zoo after being confiscated as a cub by the U.S. Customs Service—she was traveling from San Diego to Mexico in the back seat of someone's car! While her owners explained to officials that the cat was returning to a private zoo in Mexico,

young Blanca (she was under three months old at the time) was romping in the back seat and peering out the car's windows. Because special permits are required to transport tigers, the tiger cub was confiscated.

However, with no facilities to keep a tiger, the Customs Service temporarily relocated the cub to the San Diego Zoo's own Children's Zoo, where she soon became a favorite of guests and employees. In March 1992,

she officially became part of the Zoo family. In 1996, she moved to the Safari Park, where she continued to thrive and delight guests with her unusual beauty until her passing in 2012.

Tigers at the Zoo and Safari Park receive a hearty meat-based diet, imaginative enrichment items, and basic behavioral training for wildlife care.

For example, our tigers are taught to “rise up” on their hind legs to allow staff to inspect their bellies and paws, they learn to open their mouths so we can ensure their teeth are healthy,

and they accept blood draws from the base of their tail for laboratory analysis. All this minimizes stress on the animals in the long run, since they do not have to be tranquilized for a trip to the veterinary hospital for every health issue.


Tiger cures? There are six subspecies of tiger living today, all highly endangered due to human hunting and encroachment on their forest habitat.

To people of many cultures, the tiger is a symbol of strength and courage. But if tigers are so admired, why are they endangered? For many years, tigers have been hunted for their fur and other body parts, some of which are used in native medicines.

In some cultures, people hunt tigers for sport or to demonstrate their own bravery. Tiger hunting continues today because the body parts can be sold for a lot of money.

Several traditional medicines use tiger parts as a cure for all kinds of illnesses, from pimples to toothaches. These “cures” have never been proven to be effective.

Tigers also suffer from habitat loss. When people move into areas where tigers live, tigers are forced into smaller and smaller areas where there may not be enough food for the big cats to survive.

Tiger researchers estimate that there are no more than 5,000 tigers in the world. But there is a lot of work being done to make sure that tigers will survive.

In the early 1970s, India began passing laws against killing tigers. Since then, other countries with wild tigers have passed similar laws.

Many countries around the world, including the United States, have passed laws to stop the sale of products made from tiger parts.

International projects exist that help protect wild tiger habitat. Zoos help tigers through breeding programs and by teaching people around the world about these cats.
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