Trudeau Schools Himself About Power and Gravity

3 years ago

Trudeau Schools Himself About Power and Gravity

The sword of Damocles+ power =peril

Doh! Trudeau just like dad
Trudeau was tossed 4 years later with a vote of no confidence

Trudeaus deputy prime minister

Candice Bergen
reads Trudeau the riot act.

RT Russian Media did a rather amusing thing on their page. The headline reads like the BS we get over here all of the time. Police assure trampled protestors that horses and officers are just fine, and then tell the story. There are a few videos in there that will be the end of Trudeau.

Parliament got back together on Saturday they have to be in session a certain number of days before they can vote on Trudeaus power grab. I suspect their next election like ours is going to be a blood bath.

Another approach to the tyranny.

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