Dogs ,dogs videos, dogs tranning videos,How to trand your dog

3 years ago

The generally aggressive interactions between the species have been noted in cultural expressions. In domestic homes where dog and cat are reared and trained properly they tend to relate well with each other, especially when their owner is taking good care of them
The signals and behaviors that cats and dogs use to communicate are different and can lead to signals of aggression, fear, dominance, friendship or territoriality being misinterpreted by the other species.[2] Dogs have a natural instinct to chase smaller animals that flee, an instinct common among cats.[3] Most cats flee from a dog, while others take actions such as hissing, arching their backs and swiping at the dog.[3] After being scratched by a cat, some dogs can become fearful of cats.[4]

If appropriately socialized, cats and dogs may have relationships that are not antagonistic,[4] and dogs raised with cats may prefer the presence of cats to other dogs.[5] Even cats and dogs in the same household that have historically had positive interactions may revert to aggressive reactions due to external stimuli, illness, or play that escalates and could eventually be harmful.[6]
Dog behavior is the internally coordinated responses (actions or inactions) of the domestic dog (individuals or groups) to internal and external stimuli.[57] As the oldest domesticated species, dogs' minds inevitably have been shaped by millennia of contact with humans. As a result of this physical and social evolution, dogs have acquired the ability to understand and communicate with humans more than any other species and they are uniquely attuned to human behaviors.[12] Behavioral scientists have uncovered a surprising set of social-cognitive abilities in domestic dogs. These abilities are not possessed by the dog's closest canine relatives or other highly intelligent mammals, such as great apes, but rather parallel to children's social-cognitive skills.[58]
Dogs have not always held a special place in the hearts of their human companions. Their role among humans was mostly utilitarian until the 18th century, when the term "man's best friend" came into the lexicon. Their working roles are reduced today, but their importance at home has only increased. From pets to sporting companions to service dogs, canines add a measurable degree of quality to the worlds of the humans they share their lives with.

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