Revenge on Canadian Journalist Alexa Lavoie by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau - Legacy Media

2 years ago

The Canadian media consortium who accepted more than $600M CADs (with an additional $60M dollars immediately before Canada's last Federal Election (during covid-19)) are the ONLY "accredited" media organizations allowed to cover elections. Good idea?

Unless you take the Liberal Federal Government to Court and win; as did Ezra Levant & Rebel Media. Does PM Justin Trudeau acknowledge the Court's decision and answer Alexa Laoie's question? See his response herein (Classic Justin).

Alexa Lavoie subsequently is targeted today (Feb 19 2022) at point blank range with a tear-gas canister while practicing actual, un-prostituted journalism.

Justin calls his citizens "misogynists" while abusing strong women like former Liberal MP Jody Wilson-Raybould and then targeting Alexa Lavoie; he didn't like that she didn't defer to his power. Which is the tax payer funded propaganda machines that are attempting to hide the truth and usher in The Great Reset.

Canada, this is your Leader. Listen to his words. And stop watching lies from Multi-National Corporations, that are stronger than governments (the dominant institutions of our time) and have demonstrable histories of commodifying the suffering of your loved ones for gain.

Believe what you want, but if you think the United States of America is going to allow Canada to descend into a fascist dictatorship, lead by a lying coward, on their doorstep... ya no.

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