Arrested. Zimbabwe. Africa - How to survive an African prison.

3 years ago

They came early for me. 0600. When I look back, I realise they had been on me for a while. Chief Intelligence Org. The police and Zimbabwe immigration. The late night empty calls and the gut feelings I had been ignoring; are in hindsight something I could have paid more attention to.

I could have tried to escape what happened next. I didn’t. Just to arrest and detain me cost more than they would have had in their govt coffers.

The people who had set me up would have paid for fuel. For the officers to be working that early. And for those officers to have been of such high rank.

Sounds dramatic and like something out of a film. It didn’t play out like this in my head at the time I can promise you. Right now the cortisol is coursing through my body and I can taste the fear again. I can feel the initial blows and anger as they tried to break me and get me to leave the country.

So why this live?

Fear. Doubt. Worry. Anger. Sadness. Grief. Lies. Expectation. Resentment.

Feelings we ALL carry. Every single one us.

The story may sound big and unreal. This isn’t even close to sharing the feelings as it played out. But I can promise that the tools I used to thrive through this and fight until the very end are real. My experience are real. My ability to teach you how to overcome any and all of your challenges is real. My ability to motivate and inspire you comes from my life. That’s what a life coach is and does. Uses life experience to guide and support you through your limitations and challenges by proven method and action. Not with books, scripts and certificates.

So what motivated this today?

I just got sent videos of my daughter running her first long distance. I didn’t even know she was running it today. I’ve missed my sons first day of school. Multiple birthdays and Christmas etc. I last held them on Jan 4 2020, after I jumped the border to get back and try explain and say goodbye. The don’t know I went to jail (twice). They know I was with them one second and here the next.
I thought they were following me here. I got it wrong.

So when I share with you about overcoming your challenges. Using a gratitude mindset and how easy and simple it is to rewrite the mental patterns that keep you stuck. I’m not citing a book. Or a course. I’m citing my life and the tools I personally use and we’re tested in pretty harsh situations. Remember the story may feel big but the reality is the feelings are the same whether your going through a divorce or your business is failing. I’m not super human. I’m no different to you.
You are not a victim. You are capable of more than you could ever realise.

My story is big but the feelings we all share, are the same. If I got through and thrive then it could be easier for you, right? I can promise you it is, but you need to take action. Get up off your rear end and move.

Start by asking questions. It costs nothing and that 1 answer could be the turning point for change.

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