5-Minute Blizzard

3 years ago

I rarely upload videos like this, but this was such a weird one that I felt like uploading it. Had this crazy fast snow squall pass through the region. It was so fast in fact, that by the time I got my camera setup, it was already clearing out. After the video, a blue sky came out behind it and the sun came out, as of me typing this, it's windy again, the sun has set, and the entire sky is clear.

Compare the end of the video to the start and you'll see just how bad the range of vision gets in a real blizzard. During it's peak, I couldn't see across the road... which is pretty impressive for something that only took 5 minutes.

Snow Squalls & Blizzards are defined, mostly, by visibility and wind speed, Blizzards lasting substantially longer than Squalls, however, Squalls emulate Blizzard conditions at their height, but in a much shorter time interval.

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