True Creepy Tales in Space Part 2

2 years ago

True Creepy Tales in Space - Mind-Blowing Experiences of Astronauts in Space - Part 2
We will continue our frightening stories reported by astronauts traveling space. We will start now.

Number 5: The Space Angels.
12th July 1984, space station Salyut-7. Cosmonauts Oleg Atkov, Leonid Kazim, and Vladimir Solovyov were in 156th day in a Russian scientific space station. Till that day, their mission was running well until something dramatic happened. The cosmonauts observed a strange orange glow around their spacecraft. Initially, they thought that it was a gas leak. Soon they found out that the orange shine is overwhelming all over the space station.
The frightening part started when the orange gleam shape-shifted in seven angelic beings with wings. The seven paranormal beings traveled with their station for around 10 minutes.
The story doesn't end there. As scheduled, Salyut-7 got an additional crew of three cosmonauts soon. The drama reached its pinnacle when all the six cosmonauts saw the seven mysterious angelic beings again in the same sequence of events.
The state officials called it a group hallucination caused by oxygen deprivation and fluctuations in pressure.
We would like to know your opinion. Do you think that cosmonauts had a group hallucination? or they see mysterious beings in reality?

Number 6: Did we see a UFO.
16th April 1972, NASA launched Apollo 16 mission. Apollo 16 was the 5th crewed mission to the moon. The crew members were commander John young, lunar module pilot Charles Duke and command module pilot Ken Mattingly.
On their 11th day of the mission, the astronauts witnessed something so strange that it surprised them to the core. They observed a circular structure with a golden shine. The object was so naive that none of the astronomers could identify it.
NASA had no logical explanation for the anomaly. On the contrary, the original tapes of the footage went lost. Thirty years after the Apollo 16 mission, the footage was found in archives by a NASA technician, and that is why you can see it now.
We will leave the result of this footage to our viewers. Please mention your opinion in the comment section. Is the object of extraterrestrial origin or just an optical illusion?

Number 7: The Docking Terror.
In 1995, Canadian Astronomer Chris Hadfield was in his first space test flight. He was performing one of the challenging jobs of his career. He was docking his spacecraft into the Russian space station "MIR."

The docking process highly relies on sensors. The worst nightmare of Chris Hadfield came true when one of the sensors displayed the distance to space station "MIR" as 32 feet away while the other one displayed the distance as 20 feet. The most horrible part of the incident was that he had only 30 seconds to rectify the issue else he and his crew would be dead.

With years of professional experience, Hadfield calculated the distance in his head. With some help from a stopwatch, he docked the spacecraft successfully to the "MIR" space station saving the life of himself and other crew members.

Number 8. The Deadly Leak.
In 2001, astronaut Robert Curbeam repaired cooling lines outside the International Space Station. Suddenly, a pipe leaked toxic ammonia, which contaminated Curbeam's suit. Ammonia could have poisoned the rest of the crew if Curbeam go-back to the station.

Robert Curbeam kept his cool and repaired the leak. After dealing with the leak, he took a courageous decision by exposing himself to the direct sunlight for 30 minutes to lose the ammonia on his spacesuit.

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