Exclusive: Former Blackrock Portfolio Manager Edward Dowd Exposes Pfizer/FDA Fraud

2 years ago

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Edward Dowd is a member of the global investment community. He’s worked at and grown some of the finest firms on Wall Street and is a former Blackrock Portfolio Manager. In this video he exposes the clear Pfizer & FDA fraud that is taking place now. Edward discusses how COVID-19 may have been used to cover global debt and how he predicts a financial collapse is ahead of us.

Dowd believes that all the plandemic measures are just a cover story for the financial situation that was never resolved after the 2008 crash. The can was just kicked further down the road and now that it is all about to unwind, the system has been teed up to make “Covid” the scapegoat.

In another interview with Steve Bannon he says:

Those who remember the 2008 situation may recall that third-party agencies were applying fraudulent ratings to financial instruments. It turns out that the same thing is happening again, except this time Big Pharma and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) appear to be the culprits.

“I also have a thesis as to what is going on at Pfizer and Moderna, and how those companies are probably fraudulent,” Dowd explained. “These vaccines were pushed through and I think the clinical trial data is fraud.”

“I want to liken what’s gone on here to what happened during the great financial crisis. We had rating agencies, third-party verification sources that were able to perpetuate the fraud because the money got too big. Their institutions became corrupted with the institutional imperative and they got AAA ratings which we all know in hindsight those were not AAA ratings.”

In this case, the FDA is the “trusted” third-party verification vehicle for pharmaceutical products. Roughly half of the FDA’s budget comes from the drug industry, and it would seem as though this corrupt agency allowed dangerous, ineffective and largely untested vaccine drugs to get released.

“I believe that due to the institutional imperative that was in place at the time, and the speed with which they tried to approve these products with this unproven technology, fraud did occur,” Dowd said about the FDA. “And what’s my proof of that? The FDA together with Pfizer are trying to hide the clinical data.”

The all-cause mortality endpoint for Pfizer’s injections failed, we now know. There were actually more deaths in the vaccine group than in the placebo group, which is why the drug giant has refused to release its clinical trial data.

Normally, in such a case, there would be no drug approval granted because the FDA’s “gold standard” supposedly does not allow it. To save the financial fat cats from their bad bets, however, the FDA swooped in to save the day.

Meanwhile, actuaries are reporting a major uptick in death claims ever since the jabs were unveiled.

As this whole thing unravels and the dominoes fall, it could lead to the demise of companies that would appear to be “too big to fail.” Will the central banks and their government patsies once again bail them out, or is that not possible this time around?

“Fraud eviscerates all contracts,” Dowd says about the situation. “That’s case law. So, you go down the daisy chain, that’s liability, that’s bankruptcy for Moderna, definitely Pfizer may be able to withstand it with its stock price and equity.”

“The bottom line is this: The FDA is the trusted third-party just like the ratings agencies were. And a lot of doctors in this country, a lot of local governments, are putting their trust in an agency that gets 50 percent of its budget from large-cap pharma.”

The ending to this story is still being written, but things do not look good for the current financial system. Perhaps the “great reset” is sooner to come than we all think – maybe just months, weeks, or even days away?

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