Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, this is not about fucking diplomacy this is about reality

2 years ago

“Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, I totally understand your aggressive radical position. But wil all due respect, I feel you need to be careful about criticizing people’s heroes and gurus. Deprogramming is a process, and by criticizing this people directly you are closing millions of doors to potential supporters. Let’s not predispose people to against the movement and the science that underlies it through a lack of tact and diplomacy”.

Here is the bottom line, we must expose these people without compromise. The establishment wants to do precisely what you said. The establishment want to make it a long massaged diplomatic process. That has never been the basis for change at any point in our society. That has never been the action that has done anything and in fact that is the psychological operation. If you went to lowel Massachusetts to where women were being brutalized, and said ‘oh you need to be nice to the union leaders’. You need to study history and break the illusion of what people have. Where ordinary people come, where people have been abused over and over and over again, this is not about fucking diplomacy, this is about reality. We are living in slavery right now and the way we got here was people doing precisely what you said. Working people where I came from already get this, they don’t need diplomacy, they need leadership and they’ve been sold out over and over and over again. We’re here to bring the sword and not tell people that everything is going to be ok. The inner cities of this country are devasted for poor blacks and poor whites and this was done by this attitude you’re saying. These opinions come from a small minority people who speak with such authority when they have no basis on it. No, your pacts will extend human suffering for another 40 years. We are not here to be diplomatic to our oppressors, we are here to accelerate human change. we have a historic opportunity in how to build a working class movement.

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