Daily Tarot

3 years ago

Daily Tarot Meanings
#1 Hierophant:
This card is directing you to seek guidance. Whether this be through meditation, through a religious group, counseling or a therapist of any sort. This is saying that you don't have to go it alone. You can seek out your own inner guidance or someone with more wisdom and training in the area needed. Trust that you will be guided to what you need.
#2 Lovers Reversed:
This card ia an indication that you need to practice some self-love. There is some imbalance and disharmony in your ether and you are being asked to look at the situation and see whats missing or needs readjusted. Take the time to hone in on your needs and trust the signs you are given.
#3 Emperor Reversed:
There is an indication that you are lacing the discipline needed to move forward or level up in your current situation. Get grounded and refocus your efforts. This also could be a sign that you are holding those reins too tight and are trying to dominate that situation. Let loose a bit and see what happens. Trust that all will be alright if you let go a bit.
#4 Death:
You are in the midst of a transformation. Change is good. Something is coming to an end, maybe its a project or a relationship. Whatever it may be, Celebrate! This is a good thing no matter how hard it feels, this card tells us this is a time to reflect on the process we went through, show gratitude and look at the lessons learned through it all.

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