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7@7 #116: Vision of Victory 1

3 years ago

Do recognize God’s presence in the hard times? Do you point others to His presence? Pastor/Professor Andrew Marquez examines a vision of Daniel that ensures victory. Daniel 7:1-8 tells of a dream given to the prophet. This terrible vision speaks of trouble in the future. At the same time, the vision affirms God's presence in the storm. God is the giver of the vision. He is not surprised by evil. Rather, He is cognizant of our hardships. God remains close to our side in times of sorrow and in the midst of persecution. The vision shows us that God is controlling the outcome. The future belongs to God. History is His-Story. God directs all things to His good purpose. Look for evidence of His presence in your life today.

Dr. Andrew Marquez is Director/Dean of Wayland Baptist University's Arizona Campuses (www.wbu.edu/arizona) and Executive Pastor of North Swan Baptist Church (www.northswanbaptist.com).


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