Freedom Convoy Lawyers Press Conference 2/18/22

2 years ago

Several lawyers explain the emergency law used by the dictator in canada is not being used lawfully.

Listen to the lawyers explain how a dicator can use an existing law unlawfully for political purposes.

The same thing has happened in America with the biden regime.

Dictators and those who support them use laws against the people that were made to protect the people.

On Feb 18, 2022 this unlawful order by the dictator in power was used to arrest peaceful lawful protestors that were protesting against mandated "vaccine" requirements in canada.

Vaccinated Emitting Bluetooth Codes      (Shocking But True.)

Verify This On Yourself If You Got The Jab, In An Isolated Area Where There Are NO Other Bluetooth Devices.

If a Hex code pops up, they got your number and you can be identified with this MAC address, machine code address.)

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