Most overhead presses of a person in one minute | Guinness book of world record

3 years ago

World record holder, 229 kg log lift, SSE Hydro, Glasgow, 18 September 2021.
1st Place World Powerlifting Championship (junior class) (2014), both in bench press (217.5 kg) and deadlift (307.5 kg) at age 22[7]
4th Place Giants Live World Tour Finals Manchester 2017
African Record 213 kg Log lift Personal Best 2018
1st Place World Log Lift Championship 2018 (213 kg)
3rd Place Ultimate Strongman Junior World Championships[8]
1st Place, log lift, Europe Strongest Man 2019 (220 kg)[9]
Tied for 5th place in Giants Live World Tour Finals Manchester 2019[10]
On March 1, 2020, he posted an unofficial overhead lift of 240 kg (529 lbs).[11]
On July 18, 2020, he posted an unofficial overhead lift of 260 kg (573,3 lbs).
217 kg/477.4 lb Axle Press (World Record) - Performed at the 2021 Strongman Classic at Royal Albert Hall.[12]
229 kg/504.95 lb Log-lift (World Record) - Performed at the 2021 Giants live World tour final in Scotland (Glasgow).

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