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Message to Ottawa Police

3 years ago

Ottawa Freedom Convoy


  • 0/2000
  • Message for law enforcement. The choice is yours. Whether you sleep at night worried that your neighbors will find out you are law enforcement Or will you sleep at night with your neighbors proud because you are law enforcement. The choice is yours. If you commit a crime wearing a mask, thinking people won't see you because of your uniform, Realize this. That vandalism of 3 excavators in Alberta, that kidnapping arrest of a man in Ottawa who was in mid conversation with a police officer, the horse trampling of an elderly woman with a walker. Anonymous crimes in uniform stain all uniforms. If you make the choice to be a criminal, it inspires others to bring justice, justice that is not held back by corporate laws. Do bank managers know addresses of those in law enforcement? Insurance agents? Former spouses? Hiding one's face does little when all uniforms are painted with lawlessness. Sometimes it a person in uniform, who wakes up and decides not to wear that stain that another put on him. You never know when someone in uniform will decide to protect the women and men who grow their food, bring that food to the table and fight for everyone's liberty. You never know when a person in uniform will draw the sword of justice and stop a masked criminal hiding in uniform. I speak of this because it has happened before. It is human history. You never know when someone will wake up and remember they have a soul. Justice has a way of shining light in the darkest places. But the choice is always yours.

  • Those Police who were all dressed in green, with no form of ID at all may very well have been brought in. They seemed to be the ones who didn't care what level of force they used. With pictures of UN marked Airplanes, sitting in North Bay, those police in green may very well be UN riot Police.

  • Thank you for voicing what many are thinking.

  • Those Police who were all dressed in green, with no form of ID at all may very well have been brought in. They seemed to be the ones who didn't care what level of force they used. With pictures of UN marked Airplanes, sitting in North Bay, those police in green may very well be UN riot Police.

  • Wow, Thank you, Well Done. Peace, Love and Unity

  • a general strike has been called https://brandnewtube.com/v/L9UcX2

  • Awesome !!!

  • Thank you Dr. Nagase for continuing to speak out. ♥️

  • Thank you Dr Nagase. You are a very smart man, keep holding the line. You and Dr bruchett are heroes, my heroes ❤

  • I pray I have the honor and privilege to being able to shake your hand one day . Thank You Sir

  • There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in. They used to require you to hold a degree to become rcmp. They used to do psychological evaluation to ensure they didn’t have lunatics beating peaceful protestors. They’ve been planning marshal law and one world government a long time. This is why you see the old guard resigning to not be associated with the new goons that want a piece of you

  • I'm.so.friggen worried ,God help us

  • Wonderful message

  • I will hope that any pigs (because they don’t deserve to be called officers)that were in Ottawa in the last few weeks will never sleep a peaceful night again for the rest of their lives. These nazi soldiers deserve to have a hacker hack into the database to steal their info to leak out to the people so that they can be afraid forever after what they’ve done to those peaceful protesters.

  • I salute Dr Nagase...You will be our New Chief Medical Officer for Canada ..The garbage that calls itself College of Physicians and Surgeins will all go to jail , including every Provincial Medical Officer that supported Trudeau and his crimes against the Canadian people