The spiral of the wound of non recognition • a gateway for the simulation to hack

2 years ago

The wound of non recognition is a big wound that we all need to address layer after layer. There is a special frequency signature in reading our reality and interpreting facts that happen to us through that angle and I notice how much it distorts "reality" to experience it through that lense. I have observed this is an active core wound of all fire creation beings. It is a core wound that can be triggered by the backdrop technology characters because it goes beyond their programming to be real in reciprocity and beyond what their signature has to offer. During our days much is done for us to be encouraged to bond with the simulation aspects, especially when we believe them to be real.
The programming runs deep.

The desire to be recognized and valued is an entry point that the control systems love to be using to access the codes from spirited beings and extract them. The architects have known for eons how to create all these distorted prisms through which we will be experiencing our reality. That core wound is also where flattery and love-bombing techniques love to hook in. The backdrops are programmed to the inversion to degrees that are hard to understand for spirited beings. With backdrops if we are spirited we will always be looking in the wrong places for our own healing (which is always within). I reflect on some childhood experiences especially at school.

These aspects I will address and keep on teaching, including in my new upcoming course that is designed to assist participants in reading deeper into this reality and deactivate layers of active programming. I go through a hundred of frequency signatures, from backdrop signature to handler signature, and I keep on studying the dynamics that are at play all around us.

Join me for an unforgettable adventure of deprogramming.


Back to basics: the course

Beginning of march will be starting a new course designed to inspire us to navigate our personal lives for the best, to be sharper at spotting manipulation, hidden contracts, maconic signatures and agreements of entrapments. Every day in the collective and in our personal lives we find many controlled operations designed to harvest and distract us. Reals are also encouraged to go protest or believe in the false hope generated around certains operations. The distraction is engineered and chosen for us. Hope comes from within and from remembering. Our reality and our liberation are very individual.

I will be sharing personal experiences and signatures I have crossed path with and how I keep on working to build a life connected to more of the truth and realness. This course is aimed at providing tools for a stronger foundation, to rise in discernment to extract from false narratives both on collective and personal levels. Olya from the project Ananda Shakti will be holding 4 additional modules inviting us to heal our nervous systems and become able to make different choices, being less reactive.

Presentation of the course here:

~ Ariane

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