Chinese New Year Wishes from World Council for Health 世界卫生理事会给Iris的新年问候和挂念

2 years ago

This video was posted 2/2/2022:

Message of courage, resilience and love for Iris Koh from Dr Tess Lawrie of the World Council for Health.

世界卫生理事会Tess Lawrie医生给Iris Koh的消息,带给她爱、勇气和韧性
I am very grateful for this comforting message of support from Dr. Tess Lawrie during the time of my remand. I was supposed to represent Singapore to speak on the 22nd Jan WCH event. Unfortunately I was arrested one day before that.

I thank her and the community at World Council for Health for their love and support.

Iris Koh.
Healing The Divide 弥合分歧

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