MASSIVE !! tensions in Ottawa! lynniepoo is reporting for Mike in the Night

2 years ago

One of the convoy’s organizers rushed toward the Parliament Building yelling at fellow demonstrators to move back but 'Hold the line at Wellington.'

Wellington Street is the main street which has been the epicenter of the protest in Ottawa.

The crowd appeared to realize they have little chance of standing their ground, as the police started to dominate the situation and push the demonstrators back slowly but steadily.

'What you are seeing are Public Order Units in a line formation. Protestors are continuously being told to leave, or they face arrest,' Ottawa police said in a statement.

'You will see the line slowly moving forward to give people who want to leave the opportunity to do so.'

Around 100 cops in green military-style riot gear with black helmets and vizors came from the opposite direction, wearing gas masks and brandishing tear gas guns effectively trapping the protesters between the Chateau Laurier and the Westin Hotel.

The riot cops are from Quebec's provincial police force, which has a reputation for tough tactics. One of their tactics is to smash their batons against riot shields in rhythm to intimidate during confrontations.

Protesters at the Chateau Laurier hotel were taunting the riot cops, yelling at them that they should be ashamed. One man stripped off his shirt and got down on his knees in am imploring gesture as he implored them to back off.

The riot police have been in place for more than 30 minutes, blocking access to the Parliament Hill area nearby. saw at least four people arrested in the initial police surge outside the Westin hotel. Police tactics appeared be to pick out specific protestors.

On each occasion there was a scuffle before the person was turns around and zip tie cuffs applied. They were then marched to the rear of the police lines.

One woman appeared in tears as she protested her arrest.

As the sweep started to unfold on Friday morning, Ottawa Police Services threatened in a statement to arrest any journalists 'found within areas undergoing enforcement,' alarming advocates for press freedom.

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