David Icke Gives Elon Musk a Yellow Card, Afi Shows David a Red Card. Afi's Boxer Shorts

2 years ago

Fortune teller, ex-footballer, and dictionary deficient David Icke, attempts to teach us why we should distrust Elon Musk. As one would expect, David slings fallacies and demonstrates his lack of understanding of thinking… Philosophy. But he doesn’t stop there. With his ignorance of Psychology, technology, and electricity in tow, he leads in excess of 17’000 people towards his primary school understandings of arguments and arriving at truth. You've retired the cleats David, time to put away the keyboard as well. I wouldn’t trust you to be the assistant water boy of a tic-tac-toe tournament.
Of course, he could be correct about Elon. It is not his conclusion that we are looking at, but his failings in using reliable methods.

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Thanks to YouTube for the music! A special SHOUT for the particular song in my intro and outro...
Wicked Things, Quincas Moreira

Links used...
Is Elon Musk One Of The Good Guys? | DAVID ICKE 2022

How to Determine if someone is a Psychopath.

How to use the DSM 5

Michio Kaku: Will Mankind Destroy Itself? | Big Think

False Dichotomy Fallacy

Map of top 250 largest companies by head office location


Alex Jones

Slippery Slope Fallacy

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