Eternal Life Giving Water & the Currency of your Intentional Consciousness!

2 years ago

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Eternal Life Giving Water & the Currency of your Intentional Consciousness!

Eternal Life Giving Water & the Currency of your Intentional Consciousness Helps you to Evolve your Experiences by Attracting the Frequency you are Expressing! So Consistently show up in the world with Positive Empowering Speech that raises your Vibration & Brings Forth a more Confident Nature! Help this Mother Gaia Earth & Her Children Ascend to Greater Levels of Thinking by Honoring this Beautiful Existence; Remembering to Respect this Sacred Space & The Lives that have been Given! Treat the Water as the Divine Well Spring of Youthful Nourishment that helps your Physical Being Grow! Say Thankful Prayers & Give Gratitude to this Liquid Love that Gods Provided our Tounge! Speak Powerful Intentions about who you are & how you're accomplishing your Dreams & Goals with Productive Behaviours that cause you to succeed with Proficiency & Speed. Your Words will profoundly shape the structure of the water you drink so use your Intelligence to Create!
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