How Medicine Failed and How We Fix It, 3796

2 years ago

Good morning, I’m still reporting on COVID.

It turns out that there are lots of ways to kill COVID, however, so great is the money power of the vaxx monopoly that despite reputable clinical trials and TrialSite News heroically trying to inform the public of these breakthroughs, so much money is made by the big pharmas on the vaxxs that medical researchers cannot afford to offend the vaxx industry for fear of having their money for other medical research – which is literally the lifeblood of the medical research community – cut off – forever.

That means these professors of medicine, who had spent all of their adult lives in training, would be shut out of the most lucrative and interesting aspects of their profession and would soon be consigned to only teaching incoming medical students at minimum pay.

That, in two sentences, sums up the problem with our allopathic medical establishment.

They have become so dependent on very rigorous, but very expensive study protocols that they became ripe for a hostile takeover by grants and other financial support by those who make billions of dollars per year on patent medicines.

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What are patent medicines? Medicines that are sufficiently new and unique enough to fall under legal patent protection. This gives the patent holder protection against conflicting monopoly laws and allows them exclusive use of their drug for 20 years since its invention and 10 years once it is on the market.

Patent protection is justifiable when long-term studies are necessary, such as to thoroughly study the long-term effects of vaccinations – especially on the young. Some of these studies can run for 8 years before reaching a conclusion and cost millions of dollars to produce.

The trick that big pharma has discovered during the current round of COVID vaxx implementations is the emergency use authorization or EUA designation. This has allowed big pharma to normalize introducing vaxxes that may have very dangerous side effects to be introduced – sometimes even forced upon an unwilling public – with absolutely no expensive, long-term studies.

But the final coup d’état was when Biden’s new Secretary of Health and Human Services, Alex Azar, invoked the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act two years ago when Biden had taken up residence in the White House less than a month earlier. That declaration provided big pharma with immunity from liability for its push to vax every living human on the planet as quickly as possible without – for the first time in medical history - any long-term human studies. This situation would never have happened had Dr. Ben Carson still headed this agency. Why? Simply because he was and remains an honest doctor, truly serving the public interest.

If a big pharma decides to spend many hundreds of millions of dollars to marshal a combination of desperately compliant medical professors, professional journals, mainstream media, along with politicians and bureaucrat regulators into support for the mandating of vaccines with no long-term safety studies, that is the ultimate recipe for maximum payoffs for everyone alone that line, including, of course, the politicians and bureaucrats that are supposed to provide the public’s last line of defense - honest oversight.

So, by this mechanism, allopathic medicine was able to completely shred their legitimacy – even to the uninformed public – for the ever-tempting siren song of short-term profit-taking. As a result, millions have died unnecessarily due to the deliberate obfuscation of the efficacy of legacy medications that have a superior track record of safety against COVID, but are not expensive, and are therefore forbidden – in most cases – from worldwide usage.

So, medicine has now turned into anti-medicine – interested in profits, not outcomes. They could apologize, promise reform, and promise punishment for those who pushed the disinformation that this COVID bioweapon. Will they, however? I’d say it’s no better even odds that they will attempt the reform track. However, there are so many players with culpability at this point, it will likely be a faux reform track, and that means we are going to have to keep fighting.

I’m still reporting from the citadel of world freedom. Good Day.

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