P&K Q&A S2 Ep14

2 years ago

[This is the first video of ours that a certain other platform censored, so I am posting them here from this episode forward for now.
I may fill in with the earlier videos at another time.]

All times are approximate.
6 Contact
7 Time lag joins us
8 Prayers
9 Convoy--controlled righteous anger
14 Police are with the people--mosly
16 P&K's predictions, and Krow's vision
25 Africa
28 There is a word that starts with the letter "T"
31 America's contribution
34 AC/DC disinformation
40 How many transformers are required?
45 Repeal Joe
47 Liberty--and Justice--FOR ALL
48 True and false liberty
53 Ritual--does it serve you, or do you serve it?
56 Duck videos
1.00 Circle of life
1.14 Seraphim & Dr Who--time travel
1.17 Michael's special forces
1.26 Physical and nonphysical poisons
1.34 Can airplanes land in 5G?
1.41 US Defense Secretary Q&A
1.44 What country/time are we in?
1.47 Moe blinked
1.48 Qurantine Olympians?
1.55 Properties of Rubik's cube
1.56 Latest Alliance mission
1.59 Army admin is bigger than you think
2.04 Constitution 2.0
2.21 We own our Character
2.23 Good character is doing the right thing when no one is looking

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