Executive Protection Training Day Field Note #104

2 years ago

⚜️As Executive Protection agents, you have a very important job of providing security to protect high-level individuals and VIPs. And this very art of protection is what gets you paid, you're not their fan or audience and it is not your job to film their concerts or rallies. You need to do everything that's necessary to keep your principals safe. If you truly consider protection as a sacred skill and value the privilege you get when people trust you with their lives or their family's life, only then would you be able to succeed in this game.

When you're out in the field, know that you're being assessed by your next potential client as well as the enemy of your client. So stay vigilant out there.

Take pride in what we do .... even if the client is ok with you being on your phone don’t do it, because you take yourself seriously. Avoid even the appearance of unprofessionalism. Just because things are allowed doesn’t mean they are expedient, our clients are not the ones who are supposed to know the ins and outs of protection.

Lastly never forget that the way you do one thing is probably the way you do many things. Appearance is communication. When I look at you I see your standards. maintain high physical fitness standards because it will not only make you a better protector but it will improve the overall quality of your life and performance.

No disrespect to this individual because we all know the truth is simply that so many protectors do things like this these days, he just got caught on tape he’s helping us with this teachable moment. But who knows, there might be a really good reason for what he is doing… Let’s learn what we can learn either way.

Remember, Executive Protection is more than just a job, it is a lifestyle!

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Protector by nature and by trade
Byron Rodgers

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