Dr. Tom Cowan: Pay Attention and Learn! What is a 'Virus' and a Dis'ease'? [17.02.2022]

3 years ago

Freedom Talk series with Dr.Tom Cowan, Dr. Stefan Lanka, Dr. Andy Kaufman, and Dean Braus.
What is a 'VIRUS'? Dr. Andrew Kaufman & Dr. Stefan Lanka vs. Dr Wodarg feat Dr. Tom Cowan

Dr. Tom Cowan about 'Viruses' since WW1 (1917) and 5G (Banned by Youtube) [April 9th, 2020]

Spacebusters: Pay Attention and LEARN! - What is a VIRUS? [03.02.2021]

Original title: Freedom Talk 6 with Dr.Tom Cowan, Dr. Stefan Lanka, Dr. Andy Kaufman, and Dean Braus
On February 9, 2022, I participated in the latest discussion of the Freedom Talk series with Dr. Stefan Lanka, Dr. Andy Kaufman, and Dean Braus. Please enjoy it and share it with your friends.

Dr.TomCowan - 8759 subscribers

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