Baba and the Future - Part 6

3 years ago

Apologies for the dark lighting. We are having camera issues.

In this talk we discuss philosophy in the 20th century, completing our history of philosophy of mind and perception in the West. We conclude that dualism, idealism, and materialism have all failed. We need a new way of thinking.

Related reading:

* Appearance and Reality, F. H. Bradley, 1893
* My Philosophical Development, by Bertrand Russell, 1959
* Words and Things: A Critical Account of Linguistic Philosophy and a Study in Ideology, London: V. Gollancz, by Ernest Gellner with an introduction by Bertrand Russell, 1959
* The Analytic Tradition in Philosophy: Background and Issues, American Library Association, by Michael Corrado, 1975
* The Philosophy of Mind, Cambridge University Press, by Peter Smith and O. R. Jones, 1986
* Consciousness Explained, Little, Brown & Co. (Canada), by Daniel Dennett, 1991
* Kinds of Minds, BasicBooks, by Daniel Dennett, 1996​. Ott's essays:

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