Cynchranici-Tea 15

2 years ago

Welcome To Episode 15 Of Our Podcast, Cynchranici-Tea, Where We Know That No-Thing Is a Coincidence, and Everything Is Intentional

How Do You Feel About That?

Let's Talk About It

This Fifteenth Episode Is Dedicated To Exploring CREATION-
aka- MAGIC
What Is Real Magic and Practical Alchemy? How Does A Spirit Use Its Magical Abilities to Construct Physical Reality?

Magic Is Natural, Nature Is Magical

Speaking A Word Is Casting A Spell

Everything Means Sum-Thing, Or Else It Wouldn't Exist. Therefore, Every Thing Is Created Through The Power Of "Magical Manifestation" All Because An Individual Space Wants To Turn From Nothing To Something, and Then Connect With Other Spaces Who Have Done The Same

Man Is Manifested From The Magic Muscle That Is The Metaphysical Mind

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