Cell antenna base station tower is demolished by activist with a tank

2 years ago

John Patterson was a successful cell antenna engineer that became ill from over-exposure to the harmful radio waves that are emitted by the towers.
He tried to warn the governing authorities about the dangers of living too close to the towers but no one paid attention and he was fired when he started to tell the public.

No one in the media would listen to him, so in July 2007, John Patterson decided to take the extreme measure of driving a friends tank through a number of transmitter installations,
and was subsequently arrested, charged and jailed for 20 months.

it's unfortunate that this man had to go to these extremes to get the media to take notice of them.
In this case his story made nationwide publicity in Australia.

Upon his release John has decided to carry on in the telecommunication industry but now makes a career of bringing awareness to this issue by measuring the harmful electromagnetic fields in peoples homes and offices. Home inspections for EMF.

The symptoms he observed, in order of occurrence, included:

short-term memory loss (including momentary lapses)
long-term memory loss
involuntary contraction of muscles and tendons
chronic fatigue
problems with balance—at first walking, then riding
sore neck muscles
jaw out of alignment
vertebrae in shoulders and bottom four vertebrae out of alignment—caused by cramping of muscles
misco-ordination between eye and muscles
reduction in elasticity in body, especially throat, resulting in a ‘choking’ effect when swallowing
thyroid problems
heart problems (including heart attacks)
stomach valve not opening properly, leading to heart burn and nausea
changes to gait
numbing of the skin
black rings around the iris
kidney problems
liver problems—leading to skin problems, rashes and pimples that don’t heal. (John saw at least 1000 workers with similar skin problems.)
inappropriate emotional responses.

original link by Magda Havas


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